Predicate-Suffix Field
GoooQo uses a predicate suffix mapping method to map fields in query objects to basic query conditions. Each basic query condition consists of a column name, a comparison operator, and a value. The format of the field name in the query object is a column name plus one of the comparison operator alias. All assigned fields in a query instance will be mapped to the corresponding query conditions and spliced into a query clause.
Here are two examples of the predicate-suffix field mapping:
Check the predicate suffix table for all supported suffixes by GoooQo.
Predicate Suffix Table
Suffix | Field Name | Value | SQL Condition |
(EMPTY) | id | 5 | id = 5 |
Eq | idEq | 5 | id = 5 |
Not | idNot | 5 | id != 5 |
Ne | idNe | 5 | id <> 5 |
Gt | idGt | 5 | id > 5 |
Ge | idGe | 5 | id >= 5 |
Lt | idLt | 5 | id < 5 |
Le | idLe | 5 | id <= 5 |
NotIn | idNotIn | [1,2,3] | id NOT IN (1,2,3) |
In | idIn | [1,2,3] | id IN (1,2,3) |
Null | memoNull | false | memo IS NOT NULL |
Null | memoNull | true | memo IS NULL |
NotLike | nameNotLike | "arg" | name NOT LIKE '%arg%' |
Like | nameLike | "arg" | name LIKE '%arg%' |
NotStart | nameNotStart | "arg" | name NOT LIKE 'arg%' |
Start | nameStart | "arg" | name LIKE 'arg%' |
NotEnd | nameNotEnd | "arg" | name NOT LIKE '%arg' |
End | nameEnd | "arg" | name LIKE '%arg' |
NotContain | nameNotContain | "arg" | name NOT LIKE '%arg%’ |
Contain | nameContain | "arg" | name LIKE '%arg%’ |
Rx | nameRx | "arg\d" | name REGEXP 'arg\d’ |
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